Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Get Your Banjos Out

As you may have recently heard about, the Duggar Family from Arkansas just had their 17th child. (From Arkansas! I know! Can you believe it??)

They were featured on The Today Show Tuesday morning and, WOW, is this a freakish situation. One commenter on the above story didn't pull any punches, referring to them as a "cult" in the making. I decided to research a little bit to see if there was anything to that and learned that he might indeed be right. The kids don't get much, if any, outside influence; they don't interact with people outside their immediate family (they're all home-schooled in their 7,000 square foot compound -- err, house); they have a rigid hour-by-hour schedule almost like a, well, cult; and each night they all gather around daddy for bible time. Wahoo!!! Sounds like a ball. For the complete daily schedule, check this out.

What I think is also interesting is that these brainwashed clowns used to use birth control! So they're hypocrites! Now they use nothing and see children as "gifts from God," which is of course a fair thing to think.... but is it fair to these kids to overpopulate like this? Are they trying to field two full softball teams or four basketball squads? What's the ultimate goal here? I think the idea of it becoming a cult is a pretty decent theory. And that they're from Arkansas and the patriarch's name is Jim Bob doesn't help this bias I'm feeling.

You can also call their house directly or drive up to the compound and see if you get shot. Phone and address information is here.

Kudos to loyal reader NicHul who pointed me in the direction of the photo you see above. Good stuff.

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What I find kind of disturbing about that photo is that after several attempts at trying to accurately count each and every one of the kids, I found that it only includes 14 of their 17 kids so the clan is even larger than that in life!!

Of course if it took me several tries sitting here staring at a still photo to make sure I counted them all I have to wonder how on earth the parents keep track of all their kids when they are out and about so as not to lose any of them...oh wait, I forgot that they probably don't ever get to leave their compound! People are weird.
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