Friday, August 17, 2007

Some Schmuck Pulled the Drain Plug in Lake Michigan

Uh-oh, Lake Michigan is draining. Seriously, according to this article, a "man-made drain hole" is "slowly emptying Lake Michigan."

You're probably thinking, "Holy hell! How much time do we have?"

Well, I don't know if this prognosis is good or bad. On the one hand, the Canadian study responsible for this story claims that Lakes Huron and Michigan combined are losing 2.5 billion gallons of water each day. (Of course, it's a Canadian study and they use the metric system so they don't know what the fuck a gallon even is -- can we really trust them?)

Lake Michigan's water level has declined "nearly" two feet. Wow, that's significant, you might say. Except that it's declined "nearly" two feet.... since 1970.

At its deepest point, Lake Michigan is 923 feet deep... so 37 years ago, it was 925 feet deep. At this rate, by the year 2118, Lake Michigan will only be 919 feet deep at its deepest point.

Somebody call the Kentucky Headhunters -- we need to organize a benefit. Somebody get Al Gore on the phone. I bet he could do an entire movie about how we're destroying our environment. Oh wait.

But really, getting back to the article, what are we to take from this? What's the point? Why is this news? What's the real issue here? Well, the article doesn't tell us anything more than I've shared here. It's Fox News, after all.

They report. You gotta decide.

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awwww! you threw in the KH reference for me!!!

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