Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Catcher of Flak

So I recently have been catching some flak for not updating this site enough. And yes, I know, I know, I've fallen into the bad habit of never updating. And boo hoo for you. But to be fair, I do spend my creative energy when not doing my new job or unpacking or performing various other marital obligations (wink wink) updating another site, Boiled Sports. However, that's just me (and two other dudes) spouting sports opinions. And I know those who come here do so to read up on my life. Because it's just soooooo interesting.

And the funny thing is, I was emailing with NicHul, one of my few loyal readers recently, and I realized that she doesn't know much about what's been going on because I haven't posted much. And Xtrosity is in the same boat. Me not posting means my friends actually have to talk to me and, honestly, who wants to do that?

So, you'll see below that if you haven't visited recently, there's a lot of new material up. The truth is, I file stuff away and begin many posts and just never get them out of draft mode. So I finished a few and pledge to you to continue to do so. You'll get some time from me several times a week going forward. In fact, I'm even thinking of making February my post-a-day month. I've been wanting to do this for a while -- years now, even -- where I just pick a month and make sure I post every single day, mainly just to see if I can do it. And February is usually the month I want to do because it's the shortest month on the calendar.

The problem is, my life isn't interesting enough to write about every single damn day. But still, I've got things to ramble about and stories to tell and so I think I'm going to do it. And then you'll see just how boring this thing can get. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Of course, the other thing to realize is that those few who do read this are simply doing so to pass time at work and when that's why you're surfing the Internet, a good test pattern will entertain you. So maybe my drivel can pass for a test pattern. We'll see, I guess.

I'm back, bitches.


Thank God you're back! My shrink has been on speed dial for weeks due to serious NTR withdrawal.
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