Thursday, February 21, 2008


Now, I don't want to celebrate too soon, but our little Maya suddenly decided to sleep through the night rather than wake up ever few hours to whine and cry until we took her outside. And when people were like, "oh, the puppy stage is only like a year," well, that phrase kept echoing in my head when I was walking around our soggy backyard on a rainy night at, you know, 2 AM.

But starting on Monday night, Maya became our little angel. I think it helped that we suddenly stopped being idiots and took her food and water away after a certain hour so that her little fuel tank wasn't overly full during the night. We started regimenting when she gets to eat and, not surprisingly, her body started getting on a pee and poop schedule pretty quick. The upshot? Solid sleep.

The first night she was good was Monday night and I probably slept worse that night than I have been sleeping, mainly because I kept wondering if she was alright. After three nights of whining and crying, I figured she must have died to be so completely silent. Or maybe her head was stuck in the bars and she was suffering. Or maybe I had yanked her leash too hard and broken her neck. Who the hell knows.

So I kept waking up and worrying... I finally heard her stir at aout 5:45 AM -- I had been planning to get up at 6 anyway -- and so I went out there and she hadn't made a mess or anything! Amazing. Full praise and love was given.

Then Tuesday night, same story. Of course, we were dog tired (no pun intended) and so we crashed at about 10:30. I commented to Watersyne that we were pushing our luck putting her down at that early hour and expecting her to last all night, but what the hell... we were tired. The good little girl lasted, again, until 5:45 AM. I was thrilled. Seven hours of sleep, give or take? A deal I can live with for sure.

Then this morning... it was a little weird. Again at precisely 5:45 AM, Maya began whimpering, after being silent all night long. Did one of us leave a watch in her crate, I wondered? Has this dog learned to read the digital clock on the microwave? Do I have a genius dog on my hands? I've been leaving the kitchen TV on to give her some white noise... maybe she hears the time on the early-morning news and decides it's time to get up. I don't know.

I realize it sounds like I'm joking around but somehow this dog is like clockwork. However, this morning when she cried at 5:45, I ignored her. She must have figured the time change happened early so she went back to sleep for another hour.

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more pictures please
It's been over a week and no updates on Maya's potty habits?!

I find your updates intriguing as we just adopted a 7 week old golden retriever/lab mix puppy who has been very successful with keeping us awake!
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