Friday, April 25, 2008

Our Dog, Houdini

Yes, she's an escape artist.

When we brought her home, and she was tiny, we set up an old cabinet door across the opening of our kitchen so we could keep her contained. My parents keep a 60 pound Irish Setter and a 20 pound Cavalier contained with even less blockage than that. So we figured we were fine.

On her first full day with us, she decided she wanted to get to Watersyne and hopped up and scrambled over the blockade. Fantastic.

So we went out and purchased a legit baby gate, with the twisty pressure mounting so it would stay firmly in place. And it's a good thing, too, because Maya crashed into it at full speed several times, testing her boundaries. We'd be in the living room and hear, scurry-scurry-scurry CRASH! The little mutha was trying to knock it over.

She's been getting bigger in a hurry and her leg springiness is ever-increasing. The dog can seemingly just levitate off the ground from a standstill -- it's incredible. She's at that perfect age where she's got young little legs with strong muscles and she's still only 8 pounds so she's able to hurtle herself into orbit at her whim.

So naturally, she's now figured out how to get past the damn baby gate. Mind you, I have trouble getting past the baby gate, frequently catching my foot on it and tumbling into the kitchen. But Maya has now gotten springy enough -- and wise enough -- to simply run up to the gate and spring herself up so that she can grab her front paws onto the railing. She then scrambles with her rear legs and gets over the damn gate. Incredible.

But that's not all.

We put her in doggie day care yesterday b/c Watersyne was traveling and I was at work. Well, 45 mins after leaving her we get a call from a laughing employee to tell us that she's escaped from the holding area they put the dogs in day care! It's surrounded by a metal fence that must be over four feet high. She someone has found a corner where there's a brick/cement wall on the other side of the fence, and she's used that to get traction, then up the fence she goes and then slips out the top and is free as a bird.

I imagine we'll start getting charged more as she teaches the other dogs -- many of which are bigger than her, don't forget -- how to do this. If she ever learns how to open the pens of the dogs that are in their little pod areas, then we'll know the animal revolution is upon us.

Video of our magician will be up soon and I will share.

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