Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Beginning to Get A Bit Heated

On Friday I shared the fact that our upstairs A/C unit had decided to call it quits randomly that morning. Well, being in a new house, we have a lot of things covered for a fairly good period of time. As it was, it was the first day of summer and I found it an interesting coincidence that the A/C failed on that day. I also was concerned, given that it hasn't even gotten to the normal summer heat levels we have been told to expect here in H-town.

I called to let my contact with the builder know about the problem at about 11 AM. He promised to get an A/C specialist out to our house. And that did happen, after several more phone conversations and the upstairs rising to 91 degrees. At 5:30, a nice guy showed up and inspected everything, from the breaker box to the outside unit to the unit in the attic. He concluded that we had a weak breaker since he tested the A/C unit and it all was working fine. He said if it happened again to call the emergency number and they'd send out an electrician. Fine.

We went away Saturday night and got home Sunday evening. It was 93 degrees upstairs. And that's not where I set the thermostat, just so we're clear.

I called again yesterday morning and was less pleasant this time, since now we would not be home. I asked my neighbor to look after things and let anyone in who needed to be in. My builder contact told me he'd send out an electrician. And he did. At 3 PM. And my neighbor reported that they inspected things and didn't really fix anything, determining it was "probably the A/C unit," and simply turning the breaker switch back on.

Hey, thanks, guys! Show me how to do that... because I couldn't possibly turn on a f-cking breaker switch! Idiots.

So to recap: the A/C guy says it's the electrical. The electrician says it's the A/C unit. And the "solution" both times has been to reset the breaker. In a six-month-old house.

I can see this is going to be fun. If this happens again -- which it will, there's no doubt -- I will let me contact at the builder know that he's going to get a phone call each and every day this entire summer until this problem is fixed. And fixed does not mean, cross your fingers and hope it doesn't happen again.

People piss me off.

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Houston + Summer Heat= Big Fun!
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