Thursday, May 14, 2009

Canceling Is Fun

I got DirecTV last weekend. Which meant I had the distinct pleasure of calling my shitty cable company and canceling with them this week.

Me: "Hi, I'd like to make changes to my service with you."

Rep: "Oh, certainly, what can I do for you?"

Me: "I want to go ahead and cancel my cable. I have phone and Internet with you also so I don't want to cancel everything -- just cable, the $125 portion of the bill."

Rep: "Oh. And can I ask why?"

Me: "I'm not sure you really want to hear all the reasons... but I got DirecTV this weekend --

Rep: "Oh, I see."

Me: "-- and besides, I think your rates are obscene --"

Rep: "Uh-huh, I see."

Me: "-- and the cable went out a lot --"

Rep: "Yes, yes, okay, well --"

Me: "--and the DVR skipped and failed to work sometimes --"

Rep: "Okay, well --"

Me: "--and the programming wasn't very good or offered what I want."

In hindsight, I shouldn't have immediately said I'd gotten DirecTV because once she heard that, she was far less interested, probably knowing there was no hope to keep me.

Rep: "Okay, I took care of that for you and you can return those boxes and remotes..."

Me: "Thanks, so how does my bill work now? I mean, I've canceled cable so I obviously don't owe for the whole month."

Rep: "Well, you can just go ahead and pay the whole amount since you have other services with us and then next month you'll have a credit."

Me: "Yeah, I know I COULD do that, but why would I? How about you tell me what my bill should now be?"

I wasn't going to let this lazy ass off that easy. She was going to have to work and prorate my bill for me.

It was so much fun. It'll be even more fun next month when I call to cancel phone and Internet after I get THAT hooked up through a competitor of theirs.


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